Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Bizarre Passions!

As much as Uganda is not the most God fearing and God loving nation, at least, the Anti-Homosexual Bill (at the parliament table) shows that we still have sane people in our nation. Can you imagine? A male mosquito can never mate a male mosquito-simple as their brains are! Yet so called advanced species, Homo sapiens (human beings), fall into bizarre passions. Homosexuality is not a natural tendency-all of us can testify (even the self proclaimed transgressors/homosexuals), it is bad influence and mental de-programming by individuals whose conscience has been seared with a flat iron. The bill is needed to protect people from self destruction!

My call is for our honorable parliament not to succumb to the pressures of the morally drowning western world. We have imported many things from the west-in this regard, we will not buy. Join the voice many Ugandans as we declare our country a Homosexual free country at any cost-even donor funds.


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