Thursday, November 26, 2009

27 years-and still counting!!!

It is one of those normal work days-though if we I am to flash back in 1982, my mother was probably already experiencing vigorous stomach movements, say labor pain. By that time no one was in my world except God who already had marked out my course and knew every detail concerning me-for He had woven me together in the secret place. This is so true-the growth process had already began-8months and 29 & a half days then. My mother by faith had carried me for all this time, she didn’t even know which sex I was-INTERESTING.

A baby boy came to be, I don’t know to what extent my biological parents had prepared to receive me BUT my spiritual Dad; the Almighty God had even conceived me first in His mind before he put me together in a body. Nothing about me was or will ever be by fate or chance; for God does not gamble!

One of the blessings that that came my way was an encounter with Jesus in my Primary two third term Holiday, in December 1991, barely a month after my 9th birthday. My spiritual birth was significant in shaping me into the kind of person I am now. A vote of thanks goes to godly men and women who were key in my discipleship, in Sunday school, into a stable, purposeful and God fearing fellow.

I can say I have no regrets whatsoever, by God’s grace, I have lived a life so far which is well directed and balanced.

My sincere thanks go to all my dear friends, including you reading this piece, for making my life worth living. Every smile, word of encouragement, shoulder, time…………and countless many others things, I am grateful. I can say I am richer because of you.

I believe my best days are ahead of me and my future is as bright and sure as God’s promises.

Baby Robert Grace Kisenyi

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Bizarre Passions!

As much as Uganda is not the most God fearing and God loving nation, at least, the Anti-Homosexual Bill (at the parliament table) shows that we still have sane people in our nation. Can you imagine? A male mosquito can never mate a male mosquito-simple as their brains are! Yet so called advanced species, Homo sapiens (human beings), fall into bizarre passions. Homosexuality is not a natural tendency-all of us can testify (even the self proclaimed transgressors/homosexuals), it is bad influence and mental de-programming by individuals whose conscience has been seared with a flat iron. The bill is needed to protect people from self destruction!

My call is for our honorable parliament not to succumb to the pressures of the morally drowning western world. We have imported many things from the west-in this regard, we will not buy. Join the voice many Ugandans as we declare our country a Homosexual free country at any cost-even donor funds.